2 Lessons

Biblical Feasts, Festivals and Holy Days

Our Heavenly Father has given us special days and times in which He invites us to meet with Him. Though these appointments were first given to Israel, they are ours also, as those who have joined ourselves to the God, Scriptures and Messiah of Israel. The church has almost all but forgotten these precious engagements.

2 Lessons

The Plan of God

The Scriptures speak of a specific plan that God lays out from beginning to end. The ultimate goal of His plan being that He would be glorified and worshipped in all the earth. Inside of His magnificent plan, Yahweh gives specific roles to Israel, the Gentiles, the church and His Son, the Messiah Yeshua. Come join this series and learn how to align yourself with God's way of making His great name known!

2 Lessons

The Relationship Between Torah and Believers

Paul said that Yahweh's Torah is holy, righteous and good. Yet today most teach that Torah is an obstacle to salvation and a burden to believers. Journey through this biblical study of our loving Father's instructions to His children and discover the real purpose behind every command He has given.